Mint Chocolate Brownies

Mint is one of those herbs that works beautifully in both sweet and savoury dishes. I’ve not played around with it much yet, but was inspired when I went plant shopping and saw this lovely mint plant. It smelt so bright and fresh that I had to buy it! I subsequently ended up killing it somehow (someone please teach me how to take care of plants!), but the idea had formed by then. The first thing that had popped into my mind when I smelt that mint was how it would pair the best with chocolate. What could be better than brownies which have these two flavours in each divine bite?

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Boozy Chocolate Fruit & Nut Cookies

How many of you like Fruit & Nut chocolate bars? *Raises both hands*

I love the little surprises of raisin and nuts that intersperse the chocolate bar. Figured it is about time there are cookies that mimic this deliciousness right? But can they be taken up another notch?

When there are raisins in the mix, the other thing that pops into my head is ALWAYS rum! *hic* Rum and raisins are such a divine combo! My rum and raisin cake is clear testament to the fact.

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Choco Chunk Blondies

Brownies are amazing desserts. Quick to make, super tasty, texturally divine and impossible to eat just one of. Agree?

Brownies, by virtue of name, are usually made with chocolate. Sometimes you aren’t in the mood for that intense chocolate-y flavour (like these brownies). It is rare, but happens. For those occasions, blondies are best! No cocoa powder in the batter, but numerous ways to amp them up by adding other things. Like chocolate chunks!


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