Fuss-free Chocolate Cookies

There are days when you just want some quick chocolate therapy, right? Either for a mood lift or some energy or just because you’re in the mood for some chocolate 🙂 There is always a good reason! Your usual cake recipes take an hour or so, cookies need some dough chilling, brownies need melted chocolate to cool down etc so a quick fix isn’t always easy. Well, that’s about to change 🙂

These cookies are super easy, totally fuss free and need no chilling. From craving to eating in just 30 mins 😍!

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Mint Chocolate Brownies

Mint is one of those herbs that works beautifully in both sweet and savoury dishes. I’ve not played around with it much yet, but was inspired when I went plant shopping and saw this lovely mint plant. It smelt so bright and fresh that I had to buy it! I subsequently ended up killing it somehow (someone please teach me how to take care of plants!), but the idea had formed by then. The first thing that had popped into my mind when I smelt that mint was how it would pair the best with chocolate. What could be better than brownies which have these two flavours in each divine bite?

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Chocolate Ganache Tart

I love tarts! The crunchy base with the delicious filling (sweet or savoury) result in such a glorious texture and flavour party in your mouth. The best tarts are the ones where the flavours all work well together, the base isn’t soggy and in case of dessert, they aren’t too sweet.

Presenting to you this uber easy, delicious chocolate ganache tart! I am so happy with it that I have eaten way more than I should have. Totally worth it!

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