Funfetti Cupcakes

I’m not a big fan of plain vanilla cakes. While they can be delicious, I find them a wee bit plain. However, a lot of my friends and family love good ol’ vanilla cake. And since I’m nice I bake it for them 🙂 But every now and then, I try ways to modify it slightly so that while the overall goodness and simplicity of the vanilla is the hero, there is still a little something extra to the dessert (like the colourful muffins). Funfetti (or sprinkes) are another such way to amp up basic vanilla muffins. And so colourful too 🙂



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Basic Marble Cake

I started baking when I was very young. Around the age of 4. I used to help my grandmoms by just mixing the final batter at the time and ate most of it while doing so 🙂 Over time, I moved on to doing more of the work, under their supervision and saw them make different kinds of cakes in the process. Best weekend or vacation activity, I say!

For the longest time we just had basic vanilla and basic chocolate cakes. With the occasional rainbow cake for fun. Once while we were out for a meal, I saw marble cake on offer. I was amazed at this magical way that both vanilla and chocolate were part of the same cake! As far as I knew, adding chocolate to a vanilla cake made the whole thing chocolate. What was this awesomeness?

This was around the time boxed cake mixes were my go-to (yes, I had that phase) and I found this marble cake at the store. Got home, tried it and was super thrilled! From them on, this has been one of my favourites to make. Obviously, it is now made from scratch. No box mixes anymore! This is such a throwback to discovering new kinds of cake and figuring out how to make them minus my friend Google 🙂

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Cinnamon Swirl Cake

One of the strongest associations I have with baking is the aroma that comes from freshly baked food. Whether it is chocolate, vanilla, banana or even chicken. It doesn’t always need to be sweet 🙂 But one of my favourite baked food aromas has got to be cinnamon! By itself, like in this delicious cinnamon cake, or along with other flavours, the aroma of cinnamon wafting through the house is enough to make me hungry.


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